RPM Orange in the rain

07 May 2024 / Story Chris W Pictures Jason and Chris

Orange in the rain.

Three things in life that Club members like in common are eating, driving our MX-5’s and fun with partners and friends. All were thoroughly enjoyed by the crew of eight who braved the rain and travelled from the Rivers Plains and Mountains toward the busy western town of Orange.

Leaving Hartley Village and turning left at Bowenfels we travelled some of our favourite backroads to our morning tea at Maccas in Kelso. Turning left we were onto the Mid-Western Highway down via Blaney to our classic pub lunch at the Royal in Mandurama. Ron then took us via some new back roads (finally putting our tops up) past the working gold mines at Cadia. Orange appeared on the horizon and we worked our way past the old Formula One racing track at Gnoo Blas and into the city proper. A bit confused by detours we finally arrived for our wine tasting at Mortimers (yes that Mortimer) where the non-drivers enjoyed a pleasant hour with some gorgeous wines. Returning to town and our motel we had time for a doze to be ready for our bus to dinner at the Ex-Services where we were some of the last to leave.

Morning arrived and a quick look around town during a brief gap in the rain found us at a very professional eatery called Anything Grows where we enjoyed a filling breakfast. A quick trip up to Mount Conobolas to the lookout gave us a beautiful foggy view of nothing special. Running early, we travelled west enjoying the turning trees on the Cargo Road before returning to town for fuel and yet another coffee and off to Millthorpe. The town is reminiscent of Leura with its bric-a-brac and cafes with the grand Millthorpe Hotel booked for a bang-up lunch.

Each heading home by our own route we reminisced about a great weekend thanks to Ron and Jacqui.