Seal Rocks Run

11 February 2014 / Text - Peter Rodgers. Photos - Alison Kennedy

A small but very select group of MX-5 enthusiasts set out in glorious summer weather for our picnic run to Seal Rocks.

We drove south by our usual route, which took us through Moorland and Landsdowne, stopping for refreshments at Maccas just south of Taree.  Being suitably refreshed we then headed south for the Nurbushing, which we had all to ourselves.  stopping at the southern end of the Nurbushring we were entertained by a local lad on his BMX bike.

Then off to Seal Rocks for our picnic, though being required to drive somewhat sedately through the bends by a car in front that not only disregarded all of the slow vehicle laybys but also sped up at every opportunity to overtake!  So it was with some relief for us that this vehicle continued north along the Lakes Way rather than turning east towards Seal Rocks. Our relief was short lived once we found ourselves on the unsealed section of the Seal Rocks Road - see the picture :).

Lunch was a very pleasant affair with Jodie Carty being presented with her trophy as runner up to New Member of the Year - congratulations Jodie!  Following lunch we aided our digestion by walking to the lighthouse before heading home.