Shoalhaven Explorer Run

02 December 2016 / Words by Andrew Gray, Photos by Julie Farquhar, Adele Weatherall & Andrew Gray

After a required coffee fill, plus breakfast for some, 13 cars and 22 members set off from Haywards Bay for a run to Greenwell Point.

We set off on a hazy and cloudy morning along the Princess Highway before turning off for a fast twisting run along Swamp Road, Jamberoo Road, Fountaindale Road and Saddleback Mountain. Stopping near the top for a photo shoot we admired the fantasic view of Kiama and the coastline - the sun even made a welcome appearance!


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Then it was a downhill run to rejoin the highway, deviating through Gerringong and Gerroa, back on the highway to South Nowra before a short run west for a visit to the R.A.N. Fleet Air Arm Museum. We all had plenty of time to check out the museum with over 30 aircraft and numerous aviation artefacts on display and for some, another coffee top up in their cafe.

Then it was another fast back roads run along Forest, Coonemia and Culburra Roads before joining Greenwell Point Road to take us to Greenwell Point Reserve for our picnic lunch, although a few opted for the local take away fish and chips!

We all made our own way home but obviously we are not the only ones who enjoy our beautiful South Coast as 5 ACT plated MX-5s were spotted at Gerringong on the way back. Sure enough, it was the Canberra Chapter enjoying a slow trip home after their Sublime Lunch at Sublime Point.

A great day in all with great friendly company and good weather - a big thanks to our organizers Don and Jackie McCormack. And happy birthday Adele!


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