Shoalhaven River Cruise

09 November 2015 / Words: Di & John Pullen. Photos: Brendan Barr. Organisers & Run Leaders: Hella & Mark Underwood

Photos By Brendan

This was our first full run with the Illawarra Chapter. We had done some of the Joadja Winery Christmas drive, but then had to leave before lunch for a prior engagement; however we did meet some of the members and enjoyed the drive to the highlands. We experienced one Chats run for coffee early in the year and then left for six months caravanning in Western Australia. So, after being members for a year, it was time for a full day with the club.

Sunday morning arrived, overcast but dry, and eight MX-5s and one Volvo (just as well it was red, Bryan), assembled at Hungry Jacks, Haywards Bay where some coffee and breakfasts were enjoyed.

The group travelled through Jamberoo, enjoying the smooth winding roads to Kiama for a stop at the Blowhole, which was performing well, and hardly a tourist in sight.


From Kiama, roofs up for the rain, we headed south through the bends, at a controlled, law abiding pace to ensure that Mark did not have to stop and discuss his driving skills with those pesky guys in blue, again. We left the highway at Gerringong and took the low road to Nowra, turned off at the helicopter and parked at the Nowra Steakhouse, where we were to enjoy our lunch following the cruise.

Following a short walk to the boat, we boarded, checked out the choice of three viewing areas, location of the morning tea and took a seat ready for departure. Cathy and Neil had now joined us, minus the MX-5, as it was still in track mode. There was plenty of space on the boat as it doesn’t normally run on the weekend, but Hella had arranged a group booking cruise for the club.

Plenty of chat going on … Bob Collins related an interesting account about selling a Harley to a Rebels man named Alex Vella (a nice chap he assured us!). Luckily the deal was done without any standover tactics required by Bob, and luckily for Bob, Alex seems to be stranded overseas for the moment!

We motored up the Shoalhaven River, past the golf club, caravan park, zoo and adventure park, spotting birds, caves, tracks, wombat holes with a knowledgeable commentary along the way from skippers Michael and John. Morning tea of coffee, tea cake and biscuits was enjoyed for this hour long cruise up river.


By this time Bryan was looking a little lost …… surely this couldn’t be? Peter Feutrill was nowhere to be seen and couldn’t be blamed (this time anyway). Bryan’s blue MX-5 jacket was missing! Gone overboard? Stolen by the First Mate? Left on shore? Check the photos to find the clues to solve the riddle!

Once past the Shoalhaven Lodge site, we turned for the return trip downstream. Elvis was playing, but Jan and Gary wouldn’t demonstrate their rock 'n' roll dance skills for us.

Once tied up, goodbyes and thanks said to our skippers, it was off the restaurant for the anticipated lunch. Just in time too, as Alex had closed his e-book and was looking for food.

Decision time! Entrée and main, OR main and desert? Oh! And what to drink?

Great cruise, delicious food, friendly company and a good time getting to know everybody. Then it was off home with cars heading off in all directions.

A big thankyou to Hella for her efforts in booking the cruise and the lunch venue. Well done.