South Coast MOTY

04 December 2020 / Story - Brian Clayton; Photo - Bill Short

South Coast Chapter Member of the Year

And the winner is…..

Anne Zattera


Anne has been an active member of our chapter since buying her lovely little RF ND last year.

Anne not only brings a happy smiling disposition to our club outings but a capacity to take lots of very good photos.

She is a regular at our monthly coffee meetings, usually joining us for lunch afterwards.

Anne loves to drive but occasionally allows her partner Graeme a few driving privileges. At these times you will find Anne using the club radio to act as tail end Charlie or simply to make observations along the way (an alternative to texting while driving)

Anne has written a number of great trip articles and has contributed a number of good ideas for club trips. Her dogs and an aging at-home family member restrict her ability to attend multi day events but nothing diminishes her enthusiasm for the club and its members.


A well earned award.