TB Cup

07 June 2017 / Ian Combes

Update (21/7/2017) - the event on the 14th September has been cancelled.
TB Cup will be back, but probably not until 2018.

The TB Cup (Tiger Beetle Cup) is a Knockout Sprint Event being held in NSW that involves production sports coupes and roadsters whose engine sizes are 2.0 litres and below driven by amateur drivers only. In addition, the vehicles have no more than 4 cylinders. The series begins in 2017 and will be hosted at two raceways during the initial season.

The first TB Cup event will be held at Wakefield Park on Thursday 14th September 2017 for an entry fee of $125.00 and all are welcome. Registration will take place at 08:00 am whilst track time will begin at 09:00 am and run through to 04:00 pm. The TB Cup will essentially be a 'Track Day' with a very short interruption at ~2:00 pm, at which time the actual TB Cup sprint event will take place briefly and then the 'Track Day' will begin again immediately.

The time taken by the TB Cup itself will be very short because the number of competitors will only be very small for this first event. For an explanation of the TB Cup knockout sprint event itself please visit www.tbcup.com. The 'Track Day' will consist of 3 groups of up to 20 cars each that will constantly rotate taking their turn on the track.

If you would like to participate in the 'Track Day' at Wakefield Park on 14th September please contact Niklaus Williamson on 0401 048 150 by calling or texting, or via email tyranid1@bigpond.com.