The Boathouse Patonga 2025
20 February 2025 / Maree and Steve Eccleston
Bob and Marnie organised a great run today to the Patonga Boathouse Pub on the Central Coast. This is a very pleasant venue located across the road from Patonga Beach with views across Pittwater to Palm Beach. We met at McDonalds Dural and after clear instructions from Bob everyone proceeded off both together and in the same direction always a great way to start. Our run north took in the backroads from Dural passing through Arcadia and Berrilee on our way to the Berowra Ferry, a pleasant twisty run with very little traffic. After the ferry crossing we headed north on the old Pacific Highway for coffee at Saddles, which is a popular place to stop. Unfortunately the staff let out Singos flock of fantastic Macaw parrots for their daily exercise just before we arrived. This was a big disappointment as these birds are really fun to watch and always give you a great welcome when they are just hanging around and often upside down in the aviary. Next time.
After our dose of caffeine we got back on the road again and onward to Patonga. The boathouse is very popular and was busy as usual but we managed to get two tables side by side so we could all sit together. We noticed that there were some other MX5’s parked already parked out the front and to our surprise we met up with some other MX5 club members who had gone over to the dark side for the day and did a run with their Probus mates instead of us!
The weather was perfect it was a very pleasant day and big thanks to Bob and Marnie for organising this run.
Maree managed to get some photos of Rob while he was relaxing!