The Old Hume Highway

18 June 2024 / Story: Rose Smith; Photos: Anda Clayton, Rose Smith, Dewi Brewitt

Old Hume Highway 

Having lived in Australia’s capital for 24 years, Geoff and I have travelled the Motorway between Canberra and Sydney numerous times, but we (and probably everyone else) had no idea of the hidden gems to be found not far from the M31 until we participated in Brian’s history run.

Day 1: An early morning start, and a long drive for some, to the commencement of our history run. Starting in Camden, five MX5’s, one CX30 & one VW Amarok, passed through farming land granted to John Macarthur, of merino fame, braved the wind at Razorback Lookout. Further down the road past Tahmoor we diverted to the spot where the original bridge crossed the Bargo River. In use until 1962, but long since demolished, it was the last single lane bridge between Sydney and Melbourne. Continuing on through Bargo and Mittagong, we arrived in Berrima for a quick lunch where bakery treats were enjoyed by all. There was no time for any shopping as Brian had more in store for us. Passing through Exeter and Marulan, we diverted to the Towrang Road, part of the original Government Road to Goulburn. Rejoining the highway where a U-turn was planned, we stopped at Derrick VC rest area where we viewed the remains of Towrang Creek Bridge and, a short walk away, convict-built culverts. These looked like the entrance to a hobbit dwelling. This construction was part of the original South Road (Argyle Road) which entered Goulburn near the old brewery. Lesley and Kerry left the group for home and the remainder of us headed on to Goulburn. The accommodation, Astor suites, was top notch as was dinner in our private room at the Tattersall Hotel. Although the weather was overcast, drizzling or raining today, we were lucky it always cleared at each of the places we needed to leave our cars to see the historical monuments.

Day Two: A freezing start to the day. No one was going anywhere until thick ice was removed from everyone's windscreens. A hearty breakfast at the pub was needed before tackling this. On the road through Breadalbane to Gunning, our first stop was the Hume and Hovell memorial obelisk, which commemorated the start of their expedition in 1824. Through Gunning, across the M31 and left onto Veterans Lane was the start of an interesting 11kms. This section of the old Hume Highway runs right beside the M31 and would now usually have only local traffic on it. There were cattle grids, free grazing cattle, closed gates blocking half the road and graziers having morning tea alongside large vans unusually perched on the side of the road. A dead end forced us to rejoin the M31 where we surprised a highway patrol hiding at the junction. A private room at Cafe Dolcetto in Yass was our morning tea stop. We were grateful Anda had booked this as the place was packed. We farewelled Leann, Sharon & John who headed back to both Illawarra & Sydney areas. Rose & Geoff, Dewi & Neill, Jan & Bill, Anda & Brian meandered on to Braidwood where we had lunch at one of our favourites, The Albion Cafe. The sandwiches are so big, you only need one between two… remember this for next time. Final farewells and off for home.

Over the two days, we travelled parts of the Old Hume Highway, Old South Road and very little of the motorway. Despite a few potholes, all of the roads were in pretty good condition (take note Shoalhaven Council). We saw a mix of beautiful countryside, historical locations and monuments. Brian’s commentary along the way was appreciated by all of us.

The only thing left to do…. is wash our cars.

A huge thank you to both Brian and Anda for making this trip possible.

Rose Smith