Upcoming Club Track Day Alternatives

13 May 2024 / David Lawler

With the next MX-5 Club track day 3 months away on 25th August, for those who would like to get on track between now and then, here are 2 events planned by other clubs for June, to which MX-5 Club of NSW members have been invited.

Sunday 23rd June CSCA Supersprint

The Combined Sports Car Association (CSCA) is comprised of 8 sporting car focused car clubs, and runs it's own annual supersprint championship. The next round of that championship is scheduled for Sunday 23rd June on the SMSP North/Druitt Circuit, and will be run by the Jaguar Drivers Club of Australia.

I would like to incorporate CSCA events into our club calendar from next year, and on top of getting some track time before the next club event, this event is a great opportunity for some MX-5 Club members to participate in this CSCA supersprint and provide feedback to the MX-5 Club. Entry is done via the Motorsport Australia Event Entry system and costs $280 with your own Dorian timer, and $20 extra to hire a Dorian. For more information about the event and the entry process please read the Invitation Cover Letter document provided by the Jaguar club. You should also consult the CSCA Class Table to determine the appropriate CSCA class for your car.

I will be going, and hope to see a few MX-5 Club members there too.

Monday 24th June RCCA & RenoTech Track Day

The Renault Car Club of Australia (RCCA) along with RenoTech are running a track day on the SMSP GP/Gardener Circuit on Monday 24th June. I don't know much about this event, but it has been recommended by long time MX-5 Club member and regular scrutineer Gerardo Martin, who is also a member of the RCCA. Entry is $375.

For more information please look at the RCCA Flyer for the event, or the event page on the RCCA web site.