Upper Hunter Rodeo Charity Run

29 May 2014 / John Morgan

After consulting the weather forecasts for most of the week and noting that Sunday’s weather was to be fine but cloudy it was a bit disappointing to wake on the day and see dark clouds out the window. We had a few light showers en route to the starting point but by the time we set off at 8:45am it had cleared and it was tops down for the seventeen cars at the set off.

Lunch at Royal Hotel, Denman

As this was a “rodeo” run each car was given a horse number and this number determined the position of the car in the convoy. Some negotiations were made by people wanting a position closer to the front and this required a bid of gold coins.

We proceeded along some good roads through Mulbring and Quorrobolong and on to Wollombi for our morning tea break. Out came all the home-made goodies and after about 45 minutes sampling and chatting it was back into the cars for the next leg.

By now most of the clouds had cleared and it was sunny and fairly warm. Paynes Crossing Road is always quite entertaining, even more so with very little traffic and we headed through Broke and Jerrys Plains on a variety of roads with some tight and some flowing corners to our lunch stop at the Denman Royal Hotel at Denman.

After an enjoyable lunch break at the pub we set off on our return journey heading towards Muswellbrook but detouring before we got there and heading out on to the New England Highway. Only a short time on the highway though and then turning left onto a road less travelled which took us around the eastern side of Lake  Liddell, joining the highway again further south. Then a less exciting run down the highway to Singleton to Maccas and a farewell for our participants, who then went their separate ways.

As this run was part of the overall Club’s Charity Day each person contributed and an amount of $140 was raised which will be donated to one of our local bush fire brigades. Once again a good day out with great company and the types of roads we all enjoy driving our MX5’s on.