Wander to Willinga

24 August 2019 / Story by Brian Clayton, photos by Anda Clayton and Anne Zattera

A beautiful late August day, bright sunshine, warm weather, perfect for a tops down run in the MX5.

We met with Graeme and Anne at the Heritage Bakery in Milton for our early morning coffee then off down the coast to Bawley Point where we found our way to Willinga Park. Willinga Park is a huge horse farm incorporating a world class equestrian centre. All of this is set in 41 ha of magnificent gardens. Every year the owners host a major sculpture exhibition.

Arriving in the carpark we were met by Jane who lives locally.

We set off on our walk through the grounds with the various pieces of sculpture set out along the walking trail. The trail eventually led into the gardens consisting of plantings of native trees and shrubs and a magnificent water feature. The water feature is a stream which runs through the gardens settling at points in various ponds and everywhere the sound of water rippling over rocks.

It is a truly exceptional experience.

At the end of our walk we stopped and enjoyed another coffee and some home-made cakes and also a bit of chat.

Time for lunch so we headed off back to the highway, through Batemans Bay and out along the coastline to Mossy Point where the Mossy Point Café was the appointed lunch stop. Here we were joined by Ray, another local who had journeyed up from Narooma. The menu of the café is extensive and well sampled by our group. Everybody enjoyed their selected meals and the venue is highly commended to anyone who finds themselves in that part of the beautiful South Coast.

After lunch we headed back to the highway and our return journey home. Another fabulous day out with good friends.