Chasing the Brass Monkey

Sat 02 July 2022
2 days (02 July - 03 July)
Poppy's Cafe, Australian War Memorial
12 noon, after Coffee & Lies
Peter & Annemie Wilson, 0402 248 553,

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This is the Canberra Chapter’s run to join the Brass Monkey Breakfast in Bathurst.

The Brass Monkey is an annual open invitation event for breakfast started in 1992 by the Austin Healy Car Club, but now organised by the MX-5 Club of NSW since 2015 as Charity Fundraising Event. It’s been in quiet abeyance since 2019 (thanks to ‘you know what’) but is back … and ready to rumble!

Traditionally, the Brass Monkey run is a chilly pre-dawn run to a hearty and warm brekky in Bathurst, all as a fund-raising activity supporting our Club's charity ‘CareFlight’. This year the Canberra Chapter will take a more genteel approach, heading off from the War Memorial after Coffee and Lies on Saturday 2 July, although you are still welcome to take the more traditional approach if you want. (The trip Canberra – Bathurst involves about 3 hours of driving, some 250 km, so a very early morning start around 5.30 am would be needed to get to the breakfast.)

We will head to Blayney, via Gunning and Crookwell, where we will take a comfort and re-caffeination stop for a while, before heading out to Binda, Trunkey Creek and our hotel stop for the evening. It’s a trip of about 3 hours all up and 230 km.

Peter has reserved six rooms at the Central Motel in Blayney for Saturday night. To book your room, phone Ray on 6368 3355 and mention the rooms reserved for Peter Wilson. Double rooms are $110. We’ll have dinner at the Royal Hotel in Blayney.

On Sunday morning, it’s a short 30-minute trip into Bathurst for breakfast, where we will join heaps of our members from other Chapters.

We will drive home after the breakfast, returning however you like, although there’s a nice run down through Oberon and Taralga that some might enjoy.


You MUST register for breakfast. The breakfast costs $40 per person which includes a donation to CareFlight.

You MUST register by 1 July 2002.

To book your place at the table:

  • register your attendance with Peter & Annemie at 
  • deposit the appropriate amount into the bank account - details are:
    • Account: Mazda MX-5 Club of New South Wales
    • BSB: 062 401
    • Account Number: 10080286
    • Reference: BM, your member number (or if not a member BM, your surname - e.g. ‘BM4321' or ‘BMNerk’
  • book you room at the Central Motel in Blayney for Saturday night (phone Ray on 6368 3355)
  • send an email to to confirm your payment and accommodation.

Breakfast Venue: Bathurst RSL, 114 Rankin Street, Bathurst starting from 8.30am until 9.30am.

Run Grade: This is a ‘long’ run, suitable for most drivers. It features generally sound but narrow and sometimes twisty roads. The Club’s Grading System is described at

RSVP to Peter Wilson at