Lunch at the Lake George Hotel

Wed 10 May 2023
Denman Prospect Shops, Newstead Vista, Denman Prospect Or Lake George Hotel, Gibraltar Street Bungendore (@ noon)
9.45 for 10.00 start (or noon @ Bungendore if just doing lunch)
Rod Nicholas, 0419 436 296,

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Pub lunches are nothing new for this Chapter, so it’s only fitting that we put on a few in 2023. This run will see us join our friends from the South Coast Chapter for a gourmet pub feast at the wonderful Lake George Hotel in downtown Bungendore.

Lunch is great, and if that’s where you want to start, fine. But some of us will take our little cars on a short drive first to get into the right mood. Something around the 130 km mark will do, along what can be some of the best MX-5 roads in the ACT (depending on other traffic – we’ve had the fun of the sightseeing Yaris-like driver once or twice).

So we can confirm numbers with the pub, please register by 5 May.

Further details to come for those who register (although the start point should give you a hint).

Run Grade: This is a ‘Cruiser’ run, suitable for all drivers. It features some narrow and winding roads, and the inevitable potholes to dodge. The Club’s Grading System is described at

RSVP to Rod Nicholas at