Past Events
January 2016
31 JanMotorsport
The club has organised a drift training day
- Meet
- Sutton Road Training Centre
441 Sutton Rd, Majura, ACT
- Assistant
- David Lawler, 0403 070 644,
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Calling all Hunter Members - get your cars in tip top presentation shape! Learn cleaning tips & tricks from your fellow members.
NatMeeters - this should be of particular interest to you.
- Meet
- Phil's Place.
Please RSVP or SMS organiser for address
- Organiser
- Phil Mayo, 0420 855 948,
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30 JanMotorsport
The MX-5 Cup is a race series open to all MX-5 club members, and is intended as a safe and fun competition, particularly suitable as the first racing experience for drivers coming from track days or supersprints.
- Meet
- Wakefield Park
- Assistant
- Steve Green, 0400 497 536,
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If you're an RPM "Working Class Man" (or woman) then Jan 26 is the day for you to get "True Blue" and join the "Down Under" run to a terrific part of this "Great Southern Land" to join our Sydney and Illawarra mates in celebrating Australia Day 2016 to "Still Call Australia Home".
- Meet
- Mulgoa Park cnr Mulgoa and Littlefield Roads, Mulgoa
- Organiser
- Lesa Bunn, 0423 276 152,
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26 JanIllawarra
Come for a run to Cordeaux Dam to celebrate Australia Day!
- Meet
- Figtree McDonalds, 22 Princes Hwy, Figtree
- Organiser
- Bryan Shedden, 0422 340010,
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26 JanSydney
A meet up on Australia Day with the Illawarra Chapter and RPM Chapter at Cordeaux Dam for a BYO BBQ picnic and a hit of cricket.
- Meet
- McDonalds Heathcote
- Assistant
- Keith Monaghan, 0418 976 279,
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24 JanCanberra
This is the first run for 2016 and is an early evening tour of the five hills around the centre of Canberra.
- Meet
- Blamey Square, Russell
- Organiser
- Roz & Norm Barker, 02 6231 7368,
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23 JanBreakFast Club
Treat yourself to a wonderful waypoint run to start your MX-5 year on an early run up the magnificent Putty Road (the best MX-5 road out from Sydney) heading for the heritage village of Wollombi for breakfast to allow for a run back to the city limits around midday. An ideal waypoint run with only 2 right turns on 194kms of great driving roads.
- Meet
- McDonalds McGraths Hill at the intersection of Windsor Road & Groves Road McGraths Hill
- Organiser
- Michael Soulos, 0413 11 33 99,
- Assistant
- Allan Voung, 0403 107 700
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19 JanSydney
This is a regular get together for members in the areas surrounding the centre of Sydney. Come and join like minded members of the MX-5 Club.
- Meet
- Commodore Hotel, Blues Point Road McMahons Point
- Organiser
- Guy Coles, 0419 914 443
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19 JanHunter
Join us on a twilight run south to the Trackside Restaurant for dinner. RSVPs preferred
- Meet
- Morisset McDonald, Cnr Dora &, Ourimbah St, Morisset
- Organiser
- Helen Green & Grant Webber, 0434960800,
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It's official, Nulon have access to hold a huge Show & Shine on the main straight of Sydney Motorsport Park during round 1 of the Nulon Nationals.
- Meet
- The main straight of Sydney Motorsport Park
- Organiser
- Keith Monaghan, 0418976279,
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16 JanMotorsport
The MX-5 Club of NSW will be represented by five drivers in fast cars at the 2016 Nulon Nationals. The event will be held over four rounds, taking in the disciplines of motorkhana, hillclimb, time attack and straight-line drags.
- Meet
- Sydney Motorsport Park skidpan
- Organiser
- Keith Monaghan, 0418 976 279,
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16 JanMid North Coast
Join us for our first Mid North Coast run of 2016
- Meet
- Port Macquarie Service Centre, Oxley Highway, Port Macquarie.
- Organiser
- Greg Cox, 0402 237715 ,
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14 JanHunter
This is the Hunter Chapters monthly meeting. Find out information about what is happening lately in the Hunter Chapter with upcoming events, hear reports on recent events, talks about MX-5s and general club discussions.
- Meet
- Club Macquarie 458 Lake Road, Argenton NSW 2284
- Organiser
- Josh Fitzgerald & Lindsay Green, 0404 009 304 or 0422 470 118,
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14 JanHunter
The first mid week run of 2016 is heading for the hills of Bulahdelah. Booral Road has been resurfaced and is magic for MX-5s
- Meet
- Beresfield Hungry Jacks, John Renshaw Drive, Beresfield NSW 2322
- Organiser
- Karl Mittman, 0407 313 611 (please sms),
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10 JanSydney
Oran Park Cafe will be still closed this Sunday so instead of the usual coffee meet, Paul is leading a run to Burragorang lookout, then Bargo Pie Shop for lunch.
- Meet
- McDonald's, Edmonson Park, 1952-1982 Camden Valley Way
- Organiser
- Paul Byers, 0412 48 48 36
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Kick off 2016 with a run to the annual Hunter Chapter Convenor's BBQ.
We will announce the Hunter MOTY & NMOTY after lunch
**Please RSVP by 6th January**
- Meet
- Morriset Mcdonalds
- Organiser
- Josh & Lindsay, 0404009304 or 0422470118,
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Do your worms Glow in the Dark? They do at Bundanoon. So grab your torch and join us for a look.
- Meet
- Mulgoa Park off Littlefields Road Mulgoa. Toilets and Parking on site.
- Organiser
- Brigid Gallop, 0428114407,
- Assistant
- Ron Gallop, 0428114407,
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09 JanIllawarra
Join other members for an informal chat and coffee in beautiful Robertson on the second Saturday of every month.
- Meet
- Chats on Main St Robertson, near the tractor place.
- Organiser
- Phil & Sandra Reid, 0417 260 766,
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09 JanCanberra
Please join us for Coffee & Lies from 10:00 am. It’s a chance to meet other club members and have coffee or breakfast or just a chat. New members, old members, prospective members, and curious non‑members are all welcome.
- Meet
- NEW VENUE for 2016! The Deck at Regatta Point, Barrine Drive, Parkes ACT
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02 JanSydney
Join us for a coffee & pie at the famous Pie in the Sky on Old Pacific Hwy Cowan on the first Saturday of every month.
- Meet
- Pie in the Sky, Cowan
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December 2015
Come for a leisurely drive to Blackheath via the Bells Line of Road.
It will be a great day for all with many an mx5 grin.
- Meet
- McDonalds Richmond Meetup at 10am for a 10.30 depart.
- Organiser
- Guy Coles, 0419 914 443,
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Come along to Sutherland Mazda to celebrate the arrival of the 2.0L ND MX-5 with a special launch event. There will be back-to-back test drives of the 1.5L & 2.0L versions and showbags for all.
- Meet
- Sutherland Mazda, 26-28 Waratah St, Kirrawee
- Organiser
- Bryan Shedden, 0422 340010,
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16 DecSydney
Woolooware Golf Club.
A social get together for all members past & present who live on the southern side of Sydney.
- Meet
- Woolooware Golf Club
Harnleigh Avenue, Woolooware
- Organiser
- Julie Sando & Kim Ranger, 0438 538837 & 0402 050758,
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