The Wednesday Pub Lunch Run

Wed 11 August 2021
Café Injoy, 39 O'Hanlon Pl, Nicholls ACT 2913 or if a Southsider, the Caltex (Ampol) Service Station at 94 Shepherd Street Hume.
9.30 for 9.45 start
Steve & Cecelia Wakeling, 0416 040 572,

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To get you in the mood for a good pub feed, we will take a short run – totally within the ACT – of about 130 km, on some of Canberra’s best MX-5 roads.

We will end up at the George Harcourt Inn in Gold Creek Village, Nicholls.

George Harcourt migrated to Australia from England in 1859, and by 1862 at the age of 20 he was the Post Master of the brand-spanking-new post office in the village of Ginninderra, where he also ran the general store. He died young, only 51, but had become a prominent community leader in the fledgling district of what would become Canberra.

The George Harcourt Inn, named in his honour, and located not far from George’s post office, is a dinkie die pub, offering a warm open fire, a good feed, and a selection of 24 beers on tap. What better place for a winter’s lunch could you find?

Run Grade: This is a ‘Cruiser’ run, suitable for all drivers. It features some narrow and winding roads. The Club Grading System is described at

Are you a Southsider? You can join us at the Caltex (Ampol) Service Station at Hume (94 Sheppard St, Hume) at 10.30am.

RSVP to Steve & Cecelia Wakeling:

(Google Map link: