Why Not Wee Jasper - Take 2

Sat 12 November 2022
Denman Prospect Shops, Felstead Vista, Denman Prospect
10.45 for 11.00 am
Rod Nicholas, 0419 436 296, canberra@mx5.com.au

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Roads on the proposed route have been significantly damaged by recent rains and are now unsuitable for MX-5 travel.
We hope to get this run going some time in 2023, once the roads have been sufficiently repaired.


Why not head to Wee Jasper? It’s a good country trip through picturesque farmland and forest to Mountain Creek followed by some wonderfully friendly MX-5 roads. And there is an exclusive experience on offer too.

After tootling though the countryside, Rod and Maryanne will lead us to the new Wee Jasper Distillery. The distillery is not yet officially open, but they have invited us for a sneak peek, exclusive opportunity to sample their wares and enjoy a coffee or tea. They cannot offer food at this stage, but we are welcome to bring our own - they will supply plates and cutlery if we need it. 

Shannon from the distillery says 'We just had the last of the workmen leave a couple of weeks ago so we are far from 'polished' and your group would be some of the first people in the distillery door - I just want to temper expectations, we don't really have anything worked out so I think it will all be a bit haphazard. As long as your club doesn't mind that, it'd be a good opportunity for us to find our feet... or lose them?'

For me, this is an opportunity too good to pass up.

So grab some picnic stuff, pack your car, and get ready to have a great day out.

It's not far, but it should be fun.

RSVP to Rod Nicholas at canberra@mx5.com.au.

Run Grade: This is a ‘hard’ run, suitable for confident drivers. It features narrow country roads that may have rough edges and some potholes to avoid. The roads are in general good condition, but some sections are tight and winding and may be challenging for some drivers. The Club’s Grading System is described at https://nsw.mx5.com.au/events/important-information/run-gradings.