Club Regularity at Pheasant Wood

16 October 2019 / Ian Combes

Update 16/10/2019 - The MX-5 Club Regularity at Pheasant Wood on the 3rd November is now open!

Being a regularity, this will give drivers a chance to gain experience with the Pheasant Wood circuit before we run a competitive track day at the circuit. It is a tight and challenging circuit, so this prior exposure was thought to be a good idea. Of course, many people will have seen the circuit via our driver training days, but many others wouldn't have.

Although the Club has run a number of Driver Training days here, this event also gives the Club a chance to get some experience with a bit more full-on motorsport event. Next year the club has again booked an extra day at Pheasant Wood, which is intended to be a full track day (and part of the 2020 motorsport calendar), but we'll see how this regularity plays out. There seems to be quite a of of interest in a track day at Pheasants Wood in 2020.

Please ignore the usual motorsport classes in the event entry of course - these don't apply to this event. The format will be the same as we did in the previous regularity we ran at MDTC - a couple of practice sessions, after which you nominate a time, and then the regularity sessions. I'll publish the scoring later, once I work out what it is:-)

Note that we're running this under a AASA permit, so if you only have a Pheasants Wood licence, you will need a AASA or CAMS club licence.

For more information: