Club Track Day - 27th April 2014

03 May 2014 / Words by David Lawler
Photos by Mark Palmer

Wow, what a great day! Not too hot, not too cold, no rain, friendly competition, 8 runs, lots of PBs, and even the weather co-operated. Did I mention 8 runs, how good is that!

Sunday greeted 65 starters in 6 run groups, including 5 drivers participating at their first club track day. Predictions of showers later in the day made it important for those keen about their lap times to get in some fast times early.

Club track day 27-April-2014 pic 1

Patrick Branston set the fastest time of the day with a 1:02.63, narrowly beating Ralph Thompson with 1:02.86. Patrick's quick white NA is still out of service after a major failure at Winton last month, so he was driving his other car, a red NA which he describes as the "wife's car".

Bryan Shedden made his first appearance at a NSW club track day is his as yet unnamed blue NB, and managed to beat his previous PB set in Little Reddy. From my occasional vantage point at the start-finish line I was entertained by his regular drifting through the last few corners.

Club track day 27-April-2014 pic 2

Thanks and congratulations to all the officials who helped in preparing and running the track day and contributed to it's success. There are always too many people to name, but on this occasion I want to make a special mention of the flag marshals Andrew Johnson, Anthony Carpenter, Bill Fordham, Craig Adams, Heather Koorey, James Cook, Judith Hilling, Peter Carpenter, Phil Abrahams, Robert Kai and Suzanne Stone. They diligently monitored the on track action all day from their posts around the circuit, and without them a track day at Sydney Motor Sport Park would not have been possible. Thanks gals and guys.

Club track day 27-April-2014 pic 3

Full results can be downloaded from the club website here and the updated club championship point scores are here.

The next club track day is at Wakefield Park on Sunday 1st June 2014.