Latest News
Linga Longa Inn Gundy
Fancy having a month where we don’t have a run, even in December we should be able to round up a few cars. So, it’s off to Gundy for the 2nd time this year but by a different route. - Hunters 2024 Christmas Party
- Illawarra Passionate Christmas 2024
- Spring on the South Coast and the Snowies
Upcoming Events
Coffee and Lies
04.01, Canberra
Join us for Coffee & Lies from 10:00 AM. It’s a chance to meet other club members just for a chat, or over coffee/tea and/or breakfast. New members, old members, prospective members, and curious non‑members are all welcome. -
Kangaroo Valley Twilight Run
04.01, Illawarra -
Pie In The Sky
05.01, Sydney -
Massey Park Dinner
07.01, Sydney
NatMeet XVI 2026
NatMeet XVI will be held in the Hunter Valley from 3rd to 8th May 2026. Meet with fellow enthusiasts socially at the function nights. Drive many enjoyable windy country roads through the vineyards and surrounding areas of the Hunter Valley. Try your skills at the Track Day. Show your cars best. Venue and accommodation for the event will be at the Rydges Resort Hunter Valley. Early 2025 we will run an expression of interest survey.