Past Events
June 2021
01 JunSouth Coast
South Coast Monthly Meeting
- Meet
- Coast Cafe, Princes Highway, Milton
- Organiser
- Anda Clayton, 0418225749
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May 2021
30 MayMotorsport
This years big trip is not to the South but to the North. Yep we head to Queensland.
- Duration
- 11 days (30 May - 09 June)
- Meet
- Ourimbah Rest Stop - M1 Pacific Hwy
McDonalds Thornton - New England Hwy Thornton
- Organiser
- John Purcell, 0429665049
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We love to drive our cars through the National Park, so lets do that and end up at Sporties Club in Moorebank
- Meet
- Mc Donalds Heathcote on Princes Hwy
- Organiser
- Bryan Hicks, 0407225064,
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27 MayMid North Coast
A dash to Comboyne and lunch at Byabarra
- Meet
- Port Macquarie Service Centre outside Olivers
- Organiser
- Greg Cox, 0402 237715,
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Illawarra MX-5 Club believes that it has the safest and fastest drivers in the country! This is a challenge to all clubs to come and try to knock us off our pedestal!
- Meet
- Picton Karting Track
200 Picton Rd,
- Organiser
- Kerry Smith, 0418 477 507
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23 MayBreakFast Club
Forget it's German cousin, come try Australia's own 'ring
- Meet
- McDonald's Mount Colah
Pacific Highway, Mount Colah
- Organiser
- Andrew Lord, 0414 323 726,
- Assistant
- Brad Robinson, 0419 223 003
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Everyone loves the Putty Rd, so let's do it all the way to the end to a great Tavern in the middle of almost no where. Return is Via Wollombi, Buckety. Arvo tea at Jerry's Cafe at Kulnura, if you wish. Then we'll hit the M1
- Meet
- McDonalds Mc Graths Hill
- Organiser
- Andy Bottomley, 0488998510,
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A short run, followed by a sumptous feast for only $10? Too good to be true? Surely there's a set of steak knives thrown in?
- Meet
- Australian Motor Life Museum
94 Darkes Rd. Kembla Grange
- Organiser
- Adele Weatherall, 0417575802
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Please use the Book Now button to register for thus dinner.
Woolooware Golf Club. A Southern Sydney social get together for all members and those thinking about joining the club. You are welcome to come along regardless of where you live!
Come for a great meal and a chat.
- Meet
- Woolooware Golf Club, Harnleigh Avenue, Woolooware
- Organiser
- Julie Sando & Kim Ranger, 0438 538 837 & 0402 050 758,
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Come on a leisurely drive to Wakefield Park Raceway to watch our chapter racers drive in a non liesurely way.
- Meet
- Hungry Jacks, Haywards Bay, Yallah
- Organiser
- Adele Weatherall, 0417575802
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If you enjoy looking at gardens in a rural setting in Sutton Forest then this run is for you. We will start at Casula and go all the back roads to Red Cow Farm. After seeing the beautiful gardens, we will go to the Sutton Forest Pub for lunch.
- Meet
- Who's your Daddy Burger joint car park in Casula
- Organiser
- Bryan Hicks, 0407225064,
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16 MayMid North Coast
A chat by the river.
- Meet
- Rivermark Cafe
261 Hastings River Drive
Port Macquarie
- Organiser
- Greg Cox, 0402237715,
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16 MayMotorsport
Josh is going to lead us on a scenic run to Rylstone via the Bylong Valley Way. An email confirmation will be sent to advise you of the acceptance of your booking for the run.
- Meet
- Cessnock Visitors Centre
455 Wine Country Drive
- Assistant
- Josh Allen,
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14 MayCanberra
Join us for another epic road trip. With visits to the Taronga Western Plains Zoo in Dubbo and tour of the Royal Flying Doctor Visitor Experience Centre, this promises to be a beauty!
- Duration
- 3 days (14 May - 16 May)
- Meet
- Organiser
- Ian Bottcher, 0478729667,
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This is an easy run totaling approx 90 minutes. Depart Mulgoa heading to Picton via The Oakes then down Razerback and on to
Lakeside Golf Club Camden for a 12.00 noon lunch with plenty of chatter. Nice easy drive on great winding MX5 driving roads.
- Meet
- Setttlers Mulgoa. 1300 Mulgoa Rd, Mulgoa NSW 2745
- Organiser
- Frances Molden, 0447223918,
- Assistant
- John Molden, 0447223918,
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Join us for morning coffee and a pleasant run through South Coast dairy farms, to enjoy lunch at the Mountain Ridge Winery.
- Meet
- Truck turning circle, BTU road, South Nowra
- Organiser
- Bob Downing, 0410489164,
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Please use the Book Now button to register for this dinner
Come and join your MX5 friends during the week and have a good dinner and chin wag. This is now on the second Wed of the month.
- Meet
- Pennant Hills Bowling Club
52 Yarrara
Pennant Hills
- Organiser
- John Adnerson, 0418 70 88 06,
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Come and join RPM for our monthly dinner meeting to catch up with what is happening in the Chapter/Club and to have a good feed and chinwag with friends.
- Meet
- Springwood Sports Club.
Macquarie Road Springwood.
- Organiser
- Chris Wyatt, 0428604138,
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We start at Heathcote and onto heathcote Rd to get to Liverpool, then onto the M5 and off at Camden Valley Way then Bringelly Rdthrough to Wallacia and on to Mulgoa
- Meet
- McDonalds, Heathcote, Princes Hwy
- Organiser
- Bryan Hicks, 0407225064,
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08 MayCanberra
Peter and Annemie are taking us to beautiful downtown Cootamundra for lunch at The Rusty Table cafe.
- Meet
- McDonald's Gold Creek -2 O'Hanlon Pl, Nicholls ACT 2913
- Organiser
- Peter & Annemie Wilson, 0402 248 553,
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Please monitor the COVID situation and restrictions to numbers that apply. Note the change in location -Burrawang General Store, 11 Hoddle St - it is near Robertson, take the turn off Illawarra Hwy on to Church St or Burrawang Station Rd.
Join other members for an informal chat and coffee in beautiful Burrawang on the second Saturday of every month
- Meet
- Burrawang General Store
- Organiser
- Phil Reid
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Its back on! Our monthly meeting is the best way of keeping up with all that is happening in the Illawarra You must book! Use the Google form (Book Now button). Come along and be MX-5d!
- Meet
- Figgy Bowlo, 120 The Avenue, Figtree
- Organiser
- James Mate, 0468 926 826,
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