Canberra Chapter News

Convenor's BBQ and Mystery Run

08 May 2018 / Report and Photos: Norm Barker

It was a glorious Canberra sunny and unseasonably warm day on Saturday, 21 April 2018, as the group of 22 members in 13 cars gathered to enjoy the annual Convenor's BBQ Mystery Run.

A Beautiful Spring Wedding

22 April 2018 / Words and photos: Norm Barker

It was a Friday afternoon 17 November 2017 and a special day for Phil and Lauren

Canberra Gourmand Tour of the Far South Coast

22 April 2018 / Words: Julie Austin, Photos: Peter Le

All tops were down for a perfect drive from Canberra to Tathra for a long weekend.

Five Hills Run

10 April 2018 / Words: Martin Robertson, Photos: Norm Barker

The first run for the year was the annual 5 Hills Run and was held on the 14 January, with 16 cars, NA, NB, NC and ND all turning up, most with a co-pilot.

Wheels Exhibition

09 April 2018 / Words and photos: Bob Judd

Shannon’s Wheels Exhibition on Sunday, 4 March 2018, was organised by the Council of ACT Motor Clubs and sponsored by Shannons with most makes and club types represented

Goulburn Sights and Lunch

09 April 2018 / Words: Norm Barker, Canberra Chapter Convenor

Twenty-six of us in sixteen cars assembled at Russell Square on a warm sunny morning for our outing to Goulburn

Vice Presidents' Resignation

28 March 2018 / Words by Keith Monaghan

Would you like to be a part of the committee of this great club?

Pink Ladies

The Pink Ladies are Doing it for Cancer

15 February 2018 / Words by Tammie Hotz

The Pink Ladies of MX-5 are a team of five MX-5 Club ladies who will compete in the 6 Hour Regularity Relay at Eastern Creek on the Easter weekend. We are putting our driving and strategy skills to the test to raise funds for the Cancer Council. Let's KISS CANCER GOODBYE! Please donate.

Australia Day 2018 - photo by Rob Wilkins

Australia Day Picnic 2018

28 January 2018 / Words by Bryan Shedden, Photos by Rob Wilkins

If there is a better way to celebrate Australia Day than fun & games with your MX-5 mates, then we don't know what it is. The inaugural MX-5 Packing Challenge would prove that it is possible for a couple to to take everything needed for a camping weekend. And when it inevitably rains, you can pack it all away in as little as 38 seconds.

Number Plate Covers

28 December 2017

Do you want the best looking number plates!

NatMeet 2018

NatMeet 2018 Update

14 December 2017 / Hans Oldenhove

NatMeet XIII is now less than four months away and there have been some minor revisions. Please read on for the latest news release. There are still opportunities to attend NatMeet XIII in the Barossa Valley SA in April 2018.

Marques in the Park 2017

11 December 2017 / Words: Norm Barker, Pictures: Ed Cory

It had been wet leading up to Sunday, 12 November, which put some doubt on the annual Marques in the Park display going ahead, but the day cleared to be bright, sunny and warm.

Motorsport 20th Anniversary - photo by Rob Wilkins

Motorsport 20th Anniversary

03 December 2017 / Words by Bryan Shedden, Photos by Rob Wilkins, Mel Keller, Josh Fitzgerald & Julie Farquhar

Motorsport has always been an important key to the success of the MX-5 Club of NSW, with our club members competing since the beginning in 1990. Our first club track day that we organised entirely on our own was at Wakefield Park on 20th January 1997. It is now 20 years since that major step for our club and on the weekend of 25/26 November 2017, we celebrated in some considerable style.

Wakefield Park Track Day Parade Lap - photo by Tiit Saul

20th Anniversary of Motorsport Event Schedule

22 November 2017

View our jam-packed schedule of track events for the 20th Anniversary of Motorsport Sunday November 26

Motorsport 20th Anniversary Spectator Events

10 November 2017 / Mel Keller

Hot Laps, Trackday Tours, Race Car displays - for spectators, there'll be so much to see and do at our MX-5 Club 20th Anniversary of Motorsport event.

Corin Dam Run

03 November 2017 / Words and Photos: Barry Matson

Barry was not expecting a great turn-out for this run because it was only a Saturday afternoon trip, but fifteen cars turned up for a great run to admire a couple of dams and to have a leisurely lunch at the Corin Forest Resort.

A Run to the Historic Railway Town of Junee

02 October 2017 / Text: Bob Judd, Photos: Bob Judd and Bricet Kloren

Ten cars, and 20 people, enjoyed a lovely weekend run to the historic railway town of Junee

Mazda Australia RF

Playing it safe

20 September 2017 / Words by Mel Keller

Talk to anyone about driving an MX-5 and it won’t be long before you hear the words "wind in my hair". Yet, long, tussled tresses can be a distraction on the road. Here’s how a little bit of careful can give you a whole lot of carefree when driving your convertible.

Drone photo of President's Picnic 2017 - photo by Breno Mac

President's Picnic 2017 & Car Show Trophies

18 September 2017 / Words by Michael Soulos, Photos by Rob Wilkins and Breno Mac

The 2017 President's Picnic was a huge success judging from the 183 people attending, the 131 MX-5s on show, and the complimentary comments on the free catering provided by the Club. Read on for all the results.

Orange Gathering Run

11 September 2017 / Words and photos: Norm Barker

A group of 26 members in 13 cars from Canberra joined the Orange Gathering for a perfect weekend thanks to the weather and the way we were looked after at all the places we visited.