Past Events
September 2017
17 SepIllawarra
There cannot be anything better than a free lunch in a good location, being looked after by our esteemed president!
- Meet
- Figtree McDonalds, Princes Hwy Figtree
- Organiser
- Mark Underwood,
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17 SepCanberra
Yes MX-5ers, it's time again for our annual showcase Club event - the President's Picnic combined with Concours d'Elegance, Show & Shine and Best Modified MX-5. The venue is the grounds of the beautiful and historic Ebenezer Church, and the Club will provide a FREE lunch for all financial members.
- Meet
- Ebenezer Church, 95 Coromandel Rd, Ebenezer
- Organiser
- Michael Soulos, 0413 113 399,
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Join the Hunter Chapter on a run to the President's Picnic at Ebenezer Church. With two runs, one for those showing their cars and another for those preferring a later arrival, the choice is yours!
- Organiser
- Details for each run leader below,
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Join the RPM Run to the 2017 President's Picnic. The annual gathering of members from all chapters will again be held in the riverbank grounds of Ebenezer Church on Sunday 17th September 2017. Ebenezer Church is the oldest church in Australia conducting weekly services situated just 12km from Windsor in a rural setting on the banks of the Hawkesbury River.
- Meet
- McDonalds Carpark Penrith Panthers
- Organiser
- Gillian Fletcher, 0438782419,
- Assistant
- Graham Fletcher, 0438782419,
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14 SepHunter
This is the Hunter Chapter's monthly club meeting. Find out about what's been happening lately in the Chapter and club as a whole as well as upcoming events, general MX-5 information and club discussions.
- Meet
- Club Macquarie 458 Lake Road, Argenton NSW 2284
- Organiser
- Josh Fitzgerald & Lindsay Green, 0404 009 304 or 0422 470 118,
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We would love all you MX-5 people to come and join us and find out what we have planned for 2017.
- Meet
- Springwood Bowling Club, Macquarie Street, Springwood
- Organiser
- Brigid Gallop, 0428 114 401,
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It's that time of year again. Time to break out our "Daniel Riccardo's" and take to the track to find our fastest 3 men and fastest 3 lady Go Kart drivers in the Sydney Chapter, to represent our group in the MX-5 Club of NSW Jinba Ittai Karting Challenge
- Meet
- Luddenham Raceway - 821 – 849 Luddenham Rd, Luddenham NSW 2745
- Organiser
- Guy Coles, 0419 914 443,
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10 SepMotorsport
The MX-5 Cup is a race series open to all MX-5 Club members, and is intended as a safe and fun competition, particularly suitable as the first racing experience for drivers coming from track days or supersprints.
- Meet
- Wakefield Park Raceway
- Organiser
- Verne Johnson, 0408 973 799,
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09 SepSydney
Join us for a monthly run to Robertson where we meet up with our friends in the Illawarra Chapter. Who needs excuses to go for a drive up Macquarie Pass and enjoy a big breakfast at Moon Acre Cafe? It's on the second Saturday of every month.
- Meet
- Heathcote McDonald's
- Organiser
- Bryan Hicks, 0407 225 064,
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09 SepMid North Coast
Please join Cathy and Wayne on a tour, final destination the 'Pub with no Beer'
- Meet
- BP Service Centre Port Macquarie
- Organiser
- Cathy Lang, 0403425558,
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09 SepIllawarra
Join other members for an informal chat and coffee in beautiful Robertson on the second Saturday of every month.
- Meet
- Pirouette Café in Robertson,
Near the tractor place,
6/79-81 Hoddle Lane.
- Organiser
- Phil Reid, 0417 260 766,
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09 SepHunter
The Hunter's annual Go-Kart Challenge will be held at Kearsley this year and the search is on... Are you the Hunter Chapter's fastest & most go-kart driver?
If go-karts are not for you, why not come and spectate and cheer (or heckle) the competitors on.
A local scenic drive to the best Chinese Restaurant in the Hunter will follow.
RSVPs essential.
- Meet
- Go Karts Go - Neath Rd, Kearsley
- Organiser
- Andrew Digney, 0412213990,
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09 SepMotorsport
Many MX-5 Club members will be presenting the club at Wakefield Park in the NSW Supersprint Championship. Entry is also open to non-championship entrants.
- Meet
- Wakefield Park
- Assistant
- David Lawler, 0403 070 644,
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07 SepIllawarra
Our monthly meeting is the best way of keeping up with all that is happening .... come along and be MX5'd !
- Meet
- Figgy Bowlo, 120 The Avenue, Figtree
- Organiser
- Jan & Garry Gibson, 0458 751 000,
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To help you prepare for the President's Picnic, Meguiar's have stepped up and again are hosting ever popular and highly informative Meguiar's Tech Night on the first Tuesday in September that is three weeks out from the President’s Picnic and its show car events. The expert team from Meguiar's will be demonstrating with your participation their established and new products and techniques to bring a smile and that quiet inner feeling of pride and satisfaction on a job well done.
- Meet
- MotorActive / Meguiar's Facility, Unit 35, Slough Business Park, Holker Street, Silverwater
- Organiser
- Michael Soulos, 0413 11 33 99,
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Join us for a coffee & pie at the famous Pie in the Sky on the Old Pacific Hwy Cowan, on the first Sunday each month in 2017.
- Meet
- Pie in the Sky Cowan
- Organiser
- Kerri Langworthy-Ward,
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Join the Hunter Chapter for a short run to our destination at Cowan for Coffee and Lies at Pie in the Sky. The pies are fantastic and the socialising is even better! Catch up with your fellow club members and say hello to new faces.
- Meet
- Ourimbah - Lisarow RSL Club Carpark
Cnr Pacific Highway and Dog Trap Road, Ourimbah
- Organiser
- Brian Bracken, 0414 208 504,
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02 SepCanberra
Please join us for Coffee & Lies from 10:00 AM. It’s a chance to meet other club members and have coffee/tea or breakfast, or just a chat. New members, old members, prospective members, and curious non‑members are all welcome. For those who would like to enjoy some exercise meet at 9:00 AM for the two bridges walk.
- Meet
- The Deck at Regatta Point, Barrine Drive, Parkes ACT
- Organiser
- Norm Barker, 0409 604 041,
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August 2017
29 AugMid North Coast
Please join the MNC for it's first Mid Week Run to Pacific Palms.
- Meet
- BP Service Centre Port Macquarie
- Organiser
- Graham Rochester, 0414846218,
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27 AugIllawarra
Just a casual run just for fun! Turn up and join, no booking required!
- Meet
- Hungry Jacks, Haywards Bay
- Organiser
- Kerry Smith, 0418 477 507
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Many MX-5 Club members will be presenting the club at Sydney Motorsport Park in the NSW Supersprint Championship. Entry is also open to non-championship entrants.
- Meet
- Sydney Motorsport Park, South Circuit
- Assistant
- David Lawler, 0403 070 644,
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26 AugHunter
A Bridge too Far - Hunter run to Forster-Tuncurry via Bulahdelah.
- Meet
- Thornton McDonald's, Thornton Road (just off New England Highway) **Please park outside Pet Quarters building**
- Organiser
- Grant Webber & Helen Green,
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26 AugMid North Coast
Mazda MX-5 Club, Mid North Coast Chapter, Go-Kart Challenge. 26th August. Come and join us for the annual Go-Kart Challenge in Port Macquarie.
- Meet
- Port Macquarie Go-Kart Indoor Track, Hastings River Drive, opposite Warren Plowright Toyota.
- Organiser
- Peter Rodgers, Peter 0422237588 or Graham 0414846218,
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