21 October 2015 / Words & Photos by Mel Keller, Photos by Grant Webber & Jay Flak
In these days of disposable everything, it is rare that something can last for 25 years. Not only has the MX-5 Club of NSW survived for quarter of a century, it has thrived. So how best to mark this unique achievement?
14 October 2015 / Words Greg Cox, Pictures Keiran Rodgers
As the year draws nearer to a close, I thought we should try a new destination for our October run, and what better than an historic 1890s bush pub in the heart of Slim Dusty country.
The new ND MX-5 has achieved a four star rating in the latest round of EuroNCAP testing published on 7 October. Watch the crash test video if you have a strong stomach!
28 September 2015 / Words by Michael Soulos, Photos by Jacob Flak
A mammoth total of 147 MX-5s parked in the grounds of Ottimo House on Sunday 27 September 2015 for our 25th Anniversary Celebration. Not all of them entered the competition for the MX-5 Show but many did. Twelve trophies and eighteen Certificates of Merit were awarded to our members. A list of the results is now available.
25 September 2015 / Words by Kerri Langworthy-Ward, Photos by Mel Keller & Bryan Shedden
Another epic day for the inter-chapter go kart challenge. Five chapters were represented on the day. Which chapter would challenge Sydney for the title?
17 September 2015 / Words & Photos by Keith Monaghan
50 of our members attended another great Nulon Tech Night on 16 July 2015. This being our second tech night with Nulon, this time they took us through gearbox and diff oils and their effect on the various MX-5 models.
Our Business Directory gives club members the opportunity to promote their business, and you will benefit from the deals & discounts they offer. Ads will also be accepted from non-members on the condition that a discount or other benefit is offered to club members. Some offers on Automotive Products are already available to club members.
05 June 2015 / Brian and Anda Clayton - Illawarra; Norm and Roz Barker - Canberra; Photos Brian Clayton
CareFlight is the charity supported by the MX-5 Club of NSW in 2015. How much was raised by the 90 plus souls who braved the chilly climates of the Southern Highlands to visit Joadja Winery?
As a consequence of Jeremy Clarkson being sacked by the BBC, this event has been cancelled and replaced with an alternate indoor event. As a result, the car club display has been cancelled.
A small contingent from the Mid North Coast Chapter met up with the Hunter Chapter for a stormy drive of the Nurbushring (Wootton Way), followed by lunch and charity fundraising at Pacific Palms.