
Jervis Bay jingles

24 December 2021 / Story: Brian Clayton; Photos: Anda Clayton, Bill Short

Today took us to our final MX5 car club event for 2021-adorned in "something Christmassy", 8 of us enjoyed morning tea and a walk at Jervis Bay's beautiful but otherwise deserted Greenfield Beach, then on to Husky for lunch at Club Jervis Bay.

South Coast Christmas Party & Awards Presentation

01 December 2021 / Story: Brian & Anda Clayton; Photos: Anne Zattera & Anda Clayton

Despite the unkind weather Christmas on the South Coast was a merry affair

Club Torque 2021-11 cover Winter 2021

Club Torque - Our first digital edition

30 November 2021 / Kerri Langworthy-Ward

Welcome to a new way to view Club Torque, the official magazine of the MX-5 Club of NSW. This is the first time we have produced a purely 'online magazine' instead of printing.

Sculptures at Petana

16 November 2021 / Story and Pictures by: Anda Clayton

Threat of rain over ridden by promise of lunch and cultural experience

The logo of the Mazda MX-5 Club of NSW, approved by members on 27th August 2003

COVID Procedures update

29 October 2021 / G Peter Battisson

These COVID-19 procedures supersede all earlier notices. COVID-19 procedures apply to Members & Guests with fully vaccinated or medical exemption certificates.

Thai at Tuross

26 October 2021 / Story: Brian Clayton; Photos: Anda Clayton

Lockdown ended, time to take our MX5 on the road for a day out and lunch with friends

President’s View of the AGM

25 October 2021 / G Peter Battisson

The Club held it's 2021 AGM on Friday 22nd October at 7.30pm via ZOOM Conferencing. We have a new President, some new people on the Committee ... and even a new Life Member!

The logo of the Mazda MX-5 Club of NSW, approved by members on 27th August 2003

Notification of 2021 Annual General Meeting

17 September 2021 / Words by Phil Donnelley

Notice is hereby given that the 2021 Annual General Meeting of Members of the Mazda MX-5 Club of NSW Incorporated will be held on Friday 22nd October 2021 commencing at 7:30pm. The meeting will take the form of an online virtual meeting using Zoom.

NatMeet 2020 Slide 1 v3

Cancellation of NatMeet 2022

14 September 2021 / Words by Wesley Hill

We were set to go in April 2020. Then covid arrived. We postponed to April 2021, but covid stopped that again. We hoped for April 2022, but sadly that is now impossible too. Read on for more explanation.

Mazdas at Mogo - Take 2

05 September 2021 / Story: Kerry Warner; Photos: Anda Clayton

With only the South Coast not in lockdown, how long can it last. Make hay while the sun shines and have a day at the zoo and lunch with friends.

Committee Confidential August 2021

09 August 2021

August Committee News

Bastille Day Bash

19 July 2021 / Story: Chris Fondum and Dace Abolins; Photos: Anda Clayton

COVID played havoc with the numbers but a delicious dining experience awaited those of us who could escape to the High Country.

COVID-19 Update 23 June 21

23 June 2021

COVID-19 Update

Batemans Bay Museum

22 June 2021 / Story: Bill Short; Photos: Anda Clayton

A beautiful Winter's day for a drive down the coast, new members to meet, visiting members to entertain, a surprisingly interesting museum and finishing with a fine lunch. Another great MX5 day out.

Committee Confidential June 21

14 June 2021

Committee Confidential

Burn to Bendooley

13 June 2021 / Story: Brian Clayton - Photos: Anda Clayton

Snow in the highlands? Perfect! Heaters on and a run to the highlands for lunch by the fire and a browse in the bookshop, oh, and some wine for dinner later.

Mountain Ridge Winery

14 May 2021 / Story: Geoff Smith; Photos: Anda Clayton, Anne Zattera

A great autumn day, sunny and mild, perfect for a run in the country. Up and over the mountain, back to the coast and a winery for a wonderful lunch with friends. A perfect day

Canberra Capers

12 May 2021 / Story: Bill Short; Photos: Anda Clayton and Bill Short

A mid-week weekend away to the Nation's capital, Canberra, for some sightseeing and a bit of culture. Sightseeing at the War Museum and Old Parliament House and culture at the Canberra Theatre and the National Gallery. Oh, and some nice dining as well.

Great Alpine Gallivant

30 April 2021 / Photos: Rose Smith, Anda Clayton, Brian Clayton; Story: Bob Downing, Geoff Smith, Chris Fondum, Brian Clayton

There was movement at the station For the word had passed around .... All the (MX5) cracks had gathered for the fray ...

Highland Gardens

02 April 2021 / Story: Anne Zattera Photos: Anne Zattera, Anda Clayton, Brian Clayton

A lovely Autumn Day, perfect for taking the roof off and enjoying a drive through a lovely countryside, along some challenging roads, visiting a beautifully presented country garden and finishing with a pleasant lunch with great friends.