
Save Wakefield Park

13 October 2022 / Ian Combes

20,000 signatures are required to present the Save Wakefield Park e-Petition to State Parliament.

Photo by Rob Wilko, Sunday 18 September 2022

Concours d'Elegance 2022

01 October 2022 / Words by Bryan Shedden

Concours d'Elegance made a return to the President's Picnic in 2022. Read on for the results ...

Fly Away to Temora

28 September 2022 / Story: Brian Clayton, Jon Fox, Bob Downing; Photos: Anda Clayton, Dewi Brewitt, Rose Smith

An airshow and a chocolate factory, what could be better; doing it in an MX5. Leave the coastal clouds for the golden fields of the west and experience a great exhibition of famous aeroplanes.

Presidents Picnic

28 September 2022 / Story: Neil & Dewi Brewitt; Photos: Dewi Brewitt, Bob Downing, Kerry Warner

A break in the weather, perfect for a run through the countryside, meeting with friends and a picnic lunch

The logo of the Mazda MX-5 Club of NSW, approved by members on 27th August 2003

Committee Vacancies at 2022 AGM

29 August 2022 / Words by Phil Donnelley

We currently have a full committee but a few people are only continuing until the AGM on 28 October. Here is your chance to join a keen group of club members and help make our club even better than it already is.

Cruising The Clyde

13 August 2022 / Story: Mike Fowler; Photos: Bill Short, Anda Clayton

Our newest members recount their first club adventure (buying the MX5) and their first outing (Cruising the Clyde on a cloudy day)

Jamberoo Ramble

07 August 2022 / Story: Ian McMurtrie; Photos: Rose Smith, Anda Clayton

Not a promising day for our jolly jaunt to Jamberoo, but a pretty drive, little of the promised rain and a warm lunch finished another great day out.

Braidwood Lunch & Retail Therapy

29 June 2022 / Story: Anne Zattera; Photos: Anda Clayton & Anne Zattera

It's winter but there is sun out. Tops down for a run up the mountain to Braidwood for a museum visit and some retail therapy. And what is a South Coast run without lunch, the fabulous Albion Cafe.

Burn to Bendooley

21 June 2022 / Story: Bob Downing; Photos: Anda Clayton, Anne Zattera

A lovely autumn day, perfect for top down and scarf on, for a run up through the Southern Highlands and a lovely lunch at Bendooley Estate. A browse in the bookshop was an added bonus.

Mazdas to Mudgee

15 June 2022 / Story: Chris Fondum; Brigid McCarthy; Peter & Annemie Wilson; Rod & Maryanne Nicholas Photos: Anda Clayton; Rod Nicholas; Rob Wilkinson

Four days of country roads, fine wine, good food and good friends. Another great MX5 adventure.

A Smart Day Out

19 May 2022 / Story: Bill Short; Photos: Bill Short

What is a Smart Day out? A Smart Day out with South Coast is a day trip to the National Gallery in Canberra who are having an exhibition of Jeffrey Smart’s works in celebration of one hundred years since the birth of acclaimed Australian artist Jeffrey Smart.

Breakfast at Pelican Rocks

07 May 2022 / Story: Bob and Karen Olde; Photos: Anne Zattera and Anda Clayton

A beautiful Autumn morning, good friends and a short drive to breakfast by the sea. Onwards to a relaxed viewing of a lovely garden. A great way to spend the morning.

Take Me To The River

30 April 2022 / Story: Brian Clayton; Photos: Anda Clayton, Anne Zattera

A break in the weather, good friends, fast cars, a good road and a hatted restaurant at the end. Let's go!

Mountain Ramble

07 April 2022 / Story: Chris Fondum & Dace Abolins, John Cassidy, Brian Clayton; Photos: Anda Clayton, Rose Smith, John Cassidy, Mike Lawless

Four fabulous days in the mountains, sweeping bends and twisty roads, mountain scenery, fine food and better company.

Cars, Stars, and Rock'n'Roll

29 March 2022 / Story: Dewi Brewitt, Bill Short; Photos: Anda Clayton, Dewi Brewitt, Rose Smith

Three days travelling the Golden West visiting cars, looking at stars and indulging in Elvis.

Lunch in the Gardens

26 February 2022 / Story: Anne Zattera; Photos: Anne Zattera, Anda Clayton

Heavy rain all week and more predicted. But did this deter our adventurers from a walk in a beautiful native garden? Perhaps it was the promised lunch which convinced any waverers to join what turned out to be another great lunch run.

Mazdas to Merimbula

18 February 2022 / Story: Barry Pope; Photos: Bill Short, Robyn Blood, Anda Clayton

The Bega Valley, fine food and wine, MX5 roads, wonderful scenery and great company. Three days of great motoring. What else would you do during the week?

Australia Day 2022!

31 January 2022 / Words: Senia Gaunson Photos: Senia Gaunson, Bryan Shedden, Rob Wilco, Brendan Barr

A big event with interclub cricket, thong throwing and Jenga challenges to add to the celebration, the only thing missing was vegemite. Great organisation by Senia and Lena!

Club Torque Spring 2021

09 January 2022 / Words by G Peter Battisson and Kerri Langworthy-Ward

Well folks, it’s finally here, your latest “Club Torque Spring 2021”. It has taken Kerri -your Vice President and all round Super Woman with her astonishing Superpowers- and I -you’re getting fatter, little, over worked President- an incredible amount of time and hair pulling -hers, not mine, as I have very little- frustration to get this edition f


03 January 2022