15 January 2023 / Words: Jeff Rowe. Photos: Senia Gaunson.
The 2023 weather gods were kind to the 31 members who decided to start the year with a bang, however the mechanical gremilin devils were out for a party too!
An outline of the Canberra Chapter 2023 Events Program is now available for download. Have a look, print it off, stick it on your fridge and pencil in the dates in your diary!
22 December 2022 / Written by: Ray Cosier, Photos: David gazzard
Well what great way to finish off 2022! After two years of events being continually cancelled, we were finally able to get out and enjoy our Pride and Joy’s this year with some great runs & meetings with Club friends.
18 December 2022 / Story: Brian Clayton; Photos: Anda Clayton, Lind Downing, Mike Fowler
Last event for the year saw us ramble up Cambewarra, wander down Berry Mountain, rummage through the Treat Factory and finally graze at the Blue Swimmer. A great end to a lovely year.
14 December 2022 / Words and photos: Rod & Maryanne Nicholas
A change in venue to the Ainslie Football and Social Club may have been the impetus for a surge in attendance at our Christmas Lunch this year. Or it may have been the warm sunny day. Or even the chance to catch up, again, with friends (new and old). Whatever, 52 of us had a ball!
30 November 2022 / Words by Paul Nudd, Photos by Rob Wilko
The field for round 6 at the SMP GP circuit, the final for the season, was down to 17 drivers from a record 27 in round 4 and 5. Congratulations to Todd Herring, our 2022 MX-5 Cup Champion.