
Motorkhana 2019 Round 2 - 14 July 2019 - photo by Rob Wilko

2020 MX-5 Club Motorkhana R2

06 June 2020 / Ian Combes

The first MX-5 Club motorkhana for 2020 on 21st June is open for entries!

COVID-19 Update

24 May 2020

The latest COVID-19 procedures

Zoom Zoom with ZOOM

05 May 2020 / Story Brian Clayton, Picture Anda Clayton

You can't let a little thing like COVID19 keep a good club down

Tallagandra Hill Winery Lunch

26 April 2020 / Words and photos by Rod Nicholas

My calendar reminded me that today we were going on a run to Tallagandra Hill Winery. ‘Traffic is light. It will take 30 minutes to arrive’ it told me. Ordinarily, that would have been a fib.

COVID-19 Update 19 April 20

19 April 2020

COVID-19 how are we going at April 2020

Midweek Copeland Gold Mine run - Hunter's Last

27 March 2020 / Written by : Barry & Jenny Luttrell

Hunters last run for now, a midweek run up to Copeland gold mine

Gingers Creek COVID19 Revised Run

26 March 2020 / Jane Cox

A revised run to Gingers Creek under COVID19 guidelines.

COVID-19 Update

25 March 2020 / Keith Monaghan

As per the government’s new regulations we must cancel all club activities effective from 23 March 2020 until further notice.

Historic Aviation Museum Visit

24 March 2020 / Words:Jennifer Keenahan ; Photos Phil Belcher

Will they allow a drag race of MX-5s down the runway during our visit to Albion Park Airport? Or will Phil get to race against a 747?

MX-5 Cup Round 2 - 14th March 2020

21 March 2020 / Ian Combes

Round 2 of MX-5 Cup on 14th March again very challenging!

COVID-19 Procedure

18 March 2020 / Keith Monaghan

This is the club's procedure for all members and visitors in relation to the actions needed in relation to the COVID-19 virus.

NatMeet 2020 Slide 1 v3

Postponement of NatMeet – Further Update

15 March 2020 / Peter & Jill Feutrill

One matter that has been raised a number of times today has been the refund process for people who are unable to attend NatMeet later in the year.

NatMeet 2020 Slide 1 v3

NatMeet 2020 – Impact of COVID-19

15 March 2020 / Peter & Jill Feutrill

After considering the potential health risks for all attendees, we have come to the difficult decision to postpone NatMeet to a date in either late September or October 2020.

Daylight Saving Feast 2020

14 March 2020 / Words by Jeff Rowe Photos by Jan Gibson.

How many seagulls does one invite to a fish and chip lunch?

Wyangala Wandering

12 March 2020 / Words and pictures by Rod Nicholas

It was an imposing sight—twenty MX-5s of various hues all standing ready to run.

Driver training on 21 July 2019 at Pheasant Wood - photo by Rob Wilko

Rnd 3 of the 2020 motorsport championship is open!

12 March 2020 / Ian Combes

Looking for more entries for the 3rd round of the 2020 motorsport championship at Pheasant Wood on the 22nd March!

Sothwest Rocks / Arakoon Run

09 March 2020 / John & Susan Little

Southwest Rocks / Arakoon Run

Shannon's Wheels 2020

08 March 2020 / Words and photos by Bob Judd

Another glorious day in the National Capital – or, in this case, Queanbeyan – and a perfect day for our annual participation in the Shannon’s Wheels Display Day. This year, 20 MX-5s were displayed to the general public, as well as our favourite De Lorean and our Club’s BBQ trailer.

Mazda MX-5 ND media photo

ND Windscreen Replacement

05 March 2020 / Brian Clayton

Have you checked your windscreen insurance lately


05 March 2020

The BreakFast Club didn't go to Farm Club. But they still dressed up in style.......