Create Event

1. Navigate to the MX5 tab of the website administration

2. The new page will default to the Events Administration section shown below.

MX5 Club website - Main content management page

3. Click on Add. A new popup windows will open as shown below.

Event Overview 1

This page is used to define the General Details of the event.

Title is the name of the event. Please use "Title Case" rather than "Sentence case" and definitely not "ALL CAPS" (no need to shout). This field is compulsory and is limited to 50 characters (see character count underneath).

Start Date and End Date define the time frame of the event. The default for a new event is today's date. Click on the date to change it to a future date by picking from the calendar or typing in the format DD Mmm YYYY. For a one day event, the end date is the same as the start date. The end date is automatically set to match the start date and can then be changed for multi-day events. If you select an end date that is before the start date and try to proceed further, you will get an error message saying "End Date must be equal to or greater than Start Date".

Meeting Time is the time instructions for the event and should be typed in the following format: 7:30am for an 8:00am start.

Meeting Location is the street address for the meet location.

Google Map Place allows you to automatically display a small Google Map of your meeting location. Simply type the street address OR the venue name. For example, 21/6 Hannah St, Beecroft OR Sydney Motorsport Park. Make sure you Preview the page to ensure that Google has correctly identified your meeting location.

Google Map Route is used to display a small route map on the event page. First create your route in Google Maps, then click the Menu icon (top-left corner), click Share or embed map, click the Embed a map tab, and click Copy HTML. Now go to the event you are editing and paste this code into the box next to Google Map Route. If you complete both the Google Map Place and Google Map Route, the route display takes precedence and will be displayed on the event page. Make sure you Preview the page to ensure that Google has correctly identified your route.

Google Map URL is not used for new events. It is only used for old events that still exist on the website. Leave this field blank.

Page Layout stays as the default setting of "2 Colums (Secondary Nav On Left)". Do not change this setting as it will cause an error when the event is displayed.

Publish Date controls when the event will first appear in Event Listings. Leave the default settings unless you do not want an event to appear for some time - there is no reason why you would want to do this.

Event Category controls which Event listings this event will be displayed on. Many of the web pages on the site will display only a filtered list of the events in a specific category, eg Motorsport. Assign the event to whichever Chapter is organising the event. The category "All Club" is used for an event that will always be included in all filtered event lists. Event Category is a compulsory field and must be selected before you can move to the next page.

4. Click "Next" to continue to the Event Details page (see below)

Event Overview 2

Add Contact Name, Contact Phone and Contact Email as required for the event organiser and/or the run leader. Only the Contact Name is compulsory. They rest can be left blank but then members will not know who to contact about the event. Use of email addresses is encouraged to preserve individual privacy.

Only enter details for the Run Leader if it is a different person to the Organiser - otherwise leave the Run Leader details empty. The system will not allow you to enter the same person as the Organiser and Run Leader.

Booking URL - If any event requires registration via a Google Form, copy and paste the URL for the form into this box. This will automatically create a Book Now button on the Event which will go to the Google Form when clicked. Click here for guidance on setting up Google Forms.

The Event Teaser section allows you to define an image and text that will be used to present the event. Teaser Text is a compulsory field of up to 350 characters. The Teaser Text is displayed in the Upcoming Events pod on the Main Homepage and on each Chapter Homepage. Aim to write two brief sentences that entice people to find out more about the event. The Teaser Image is optional but it does make the Event Detail page look more appealing. Teaser images can be selected from the pool of associated media images using the "Select" button, or uploaded from your computer using the "Create" button. See the image uploading instructions for more detail.

Body Content is where you add the main text for the Event. You can paste in content copied from from plain text (eg from Notepad), or from a Word document. However, do not paste directly! You need to check the "Paste as Plain Text" icon first, and then paste (control-V). This will remove all the unnecessary html code that is attached to Word documents or other sources. If you fail to do this, the page can become unstable and formatting will not work correctly. See this page for details on all the formatting options.

Body Links are used to contain any links to external websites that you may want to include for the user to access. For example, see Brass Monkey 2013.

Cost is a free text field where you may enter the details of any costs involved in the Event.


The Related Content section allows you to select images from Media Library to use in the Body Content or Story Teaser. You can create new items directly, or select it from the Image and Document Library. Once images or documents are listed as related content, they will be available for use in the Body Content or Body Links when you click on the "Insert/Edit Link" icon or the "Insert/Edit Image" icon.

5. Once the event has been drafted, click the Complete button. Now click on "Preview" to make sure you're happy with the page. Once it's finished, click on "Publish" and then "Change Status" to send content live immediately.