Upload Document
Documents can be uploaded to the website into the Document Library. While any document format can be used, it is best practice to add PDF documents unless the original format must be kept. PDF documents can be opened on any device.
1. Navigate to the Document Library by clicking MX5 tab and then Document Library in the MX5 pop-up window. Existing documents can be seen in the list and sorted by clicking on any of the headers: Title, Status, Created, Last Updated, Publish Date. In the Action column for each document, the "channel 9" icon will take you to the Overview Screen for the object, and the Edit button allows you to edit the details for a document. You can also search for a document by Title using the Search facility.
2. Click Add and the following window will pop-up.
3. Type a description of the file in the Title box and give it a longer description in the Description field.
4. To the right of File you should see a Choose file button (shown above). This button is only visible if Flash is enabled for our website in your internet browser (Chrome automatically disables this). If you do not see a Choose File button, click on the icon that looks like an X (next to ?) which says "Switch between traditional upload and inline upload" when you place the cursor over it. Now click Choose File, find the file you wish to upload and select it, then click Open.
5. Assign a Category to the file by clicking the arrow beside Topics and then ticking the box for the category applicable to the document. You can select more than one category by holding the control key and clicking additional categories.
6. Click Save and then Done.
The document will be uploaded and added to the Document Library and will appear in the list shown at the top of the screen. It can now be used anywhere on the website by adding it to the Attached Images/Files for a page and then using Insert/edit Link in the Editor.