Working with Content

Content on the website falls into two main types. Content may be either website Static content (HTML pages and Navigation Objects) in which case it can be found under the Site tab of the Webtop. Else it will be Dynamic content and will be found under the MX5 tab of the Webtop. Most Contributors will not need to edit Static content as the management of Events and News involves Dynamic content only.

Static Content

Website content that exists within navigation and is used once off on the site will be mainly created within the Site section of the Webtop. This content is arranged using a tree structure to match the hierarchy of the website.

Sections of the tree can be opened by clicking on the "+" sign in front of a folder. It can be closed by then clicking on the "-" sign.

Draft objects are highlighted in the tree by the presence of a pencil on the normal icon for the object and an orange “Draft” label in the Status column.

The types of content in this section of FarCry are listed out below.


Each item that is to appear in the navigation appears in the tree as a folder.

The title of the folder will appear in the navigation on the website.

The background image can be customised for each navigation level by selecting from the background image library or uploading a new image (ensure there are no spaces in filename!).

When a user clicks on any item of navigation they are taken to the first object that exists in the tree underneath this navigation folder.

HTML Pages

These show in the tree as page icons and normally sit directly beneath each Navigation node, and consist of the content that is related to the navigation node above.

It is possible to have multiple pages under each node but only the first page will show up in the navigation, all others will only be accessible by direct link ie. they are "orphans". This should be avoided whenever possible, as each page should live somewhere within the navigation, so it can be easily found.

Dynamic Content

Dynamic content is information that will appear in multiple areas within the site and will be created within the MX5 section of FarCry. This content is then added to HTML pages within the website using Rules and containers.

See the following sections for Dynamic Content:

Dynamic content is displayed as a page by creating an event listing, news listing, or gallery listing, and checking the categories that need to be displayed on that page. This managed by the Website Coordinator and Contributors should avoid attempting to edit these listing pages.