Upload Images
Images can be uploaded to the Image Library either one at a time or in bulk. Generally speaking, the website is not intended for hosting a large number of high resolution photos. Uploading them to Flickr is a much better option for this. However, each News or Event needs one photo uploaded as the teaser image, and you may also wish to upload several more photos. The instructions below explain how to do this in one of two ways: 1) uploading single images, or 2) bulk upload.
Navigate to the Image Library by clicking the MX5 tab and then selecting Image Library in the MX5 menu. The following screen will be displayed. Existing images can be seen in the list and sorted by clicking on any of the headers: Title/Alt, Category, Last Updated. In the Action column for each image, the "channel 9" icon will take you to the Overview Screen for the object, and the Edit button allows you to edit the details for an image. You can also search for an image by Title using the Search facility.
Uploading Single Images
1. Click Add on the Image Library screen shown above and then the following screen will pop-up.
3. Enter a descriptive Image Title that will make it easy for you to find the image by searching for suitable words. In the Alternative Text box, type a longer description of the photo and include the name of the person who took the photo.
4. To the right of Source Image you should see a Select Image button (not shown above). This button is only visible if Flash is enabled for our website in your internet browser (Chrome automatically disables this). If you do not see a Select Image button, click on the icon that looks like an X (next to ?) which says "Switch between traditional upload and inline upload" when you place the cursor over it. Now click Choose file.
5. In the pop-up window, navigate to the image file that you want to upload from your computer, and click Open. Note that maximum image size is 2048 x 2048 and must be of type jpg, gif, png.
6. Do not do anything with the Gallery Thumbnail Image, Mid Size Image or Thumbnail Image. The website will automatically create these for you by resizing the first uploaded image.
7. Select the Category for the image by clicking the arrow beside Topics and then tick the box for whatever category the photo applies to. Multiple boxes can be checked. Labelling photos this way makes it easier to find images in the Library corresponding to a particular category.
8. Click Save and then Done. The photo will be uploaded and the alternate image sizes automatically created. The photo is are now added to the Image Library and can be used elsewhere on the website.
Bulk Upload
1. Click Bulk Upload on the Image Library screen shown above.
2. Upload several images at once by clicking Add Files or drag and drop into the box shown. Note that maximum image size is 2048 x 2048 and must be of type jpg, gif, png.
3. Wait for the images to upload and a green-coloured Uploaded icon appears beside each thumbnail image, as shown below.
4. Type an Image Title and Alternative Text for each of the photos. It is best to change the Image Title to something descriptive since cryptic filenames like "IMG5645.jpg" are not very helpful when you're trying to find a useful photo in the Library.
5. Click Save and Close. The bulk images are now added to the Image Library and can be used elsewhere on the website by adding it to the Attached Images/Files for a page and then using Insert/edit Image in the Editor.