Canberra Chapter News

Brindabella Hills Winery Lunch

29 April 2022 / Words by Steve & Cecelia Wakeling. Photos by Gordon & Vicki Hunt, Rod Nicholas

At the respectful hour of 10:15 am we meet at the base of the Cotter dam before setting out on a 1hr 30 min run through the back roads to Yass and then onto the Barton Highway, ending up at the Brindabella Hills Winery for lunch.

Long Way for Fish ‘n’ Chips

23 April 2022 / Words by Rod Nicholas. Photos by Rod Nicholas, Rob Wilkins and Barry Matson

It was only a small contingent from Canberra that gathered in Bungendore to hit the coast for fish ‘n’ chips, reinforced by a friendly face from Sydney. And we were meeting a bunch of South Coasters too. So, all was good.

Crookwell Lunch Run

27 March 2022 / Words by Rod Nicholas. Pictures by Rod Nicholas and Gordon Hunt

I knew as I pulled into the start point that we were going to be the odd one out – the pilsner in a round of stouts, the lone Pies jumper in a sea of Blues, the lemonade among a bunch of raspberry cordials.

Bermi Run 2022

16 March 2022 / Words by Steve & cecelia Wakeling. Photos by Rod Nicholas and Norm Barker

A bit of rain. A bit of sun. A bite of dinner. Lotsa fun.

Tracking History at Honeysuckle Creek

22 February 2022 / Words by Mike Lawless & Rod Nicholas. Photos by Mike Lawless, Rod Nicholas & Barry Matson

We set off on a perfect Canberra summer day to track down a bit of history. We were on a picnic run out to the site of Canberra’s Honeysuckle Creek Tracking Station, a vital link in the Apollo 11 moon landing in July 1969.

Steve’s February Pub Lunch

22 February 2022 / Words by Steve Wakeling. Photos by Jo

The sign read “Winding road for 35 Kms”. I thought, 'you beaut'!

Canberra Chapter Pizza Evening

22 February 2022 / Bob Judd & Bricet Kloren

If there is one thing Canberra Chapter members enjoy, it is spending time with each other in gorgeous surroundings, while consuming beautifully prepared and presented food and drink.

Araluen Pub Run

05 February 2022 / Words by Rod Nicholas. Photos by Rod & Maryanne Nicholas and Bill Short.

Ten cars. Two start points. Harley Davisons. Good pub food. Potholes. Sunshine. Rain. What more could you want?

Cordeaux Dam Oz Day Picnic

04 February 2022 / Words and Photos by Rod Nicholas

A small contingent of four cars moved out from Bungendore on a warming Wednesday morning. Lids down, caps on, we headed out for a roundabout trip through the scenic countryside ...

Australia Day 2022!

31 January 2022 / Words: Senia Gaunson Photos: Senia Gaunson, Bryan Shedden, Rob Wilco, Brendan Barr

A big event with interclub cricket, thong throwing and Jenga challenges to add to the celebration, the only thing missing was vegemite. Great organisation by Senia and Lena!

Five Hills 2022

27 January 2022 / Words by Norm Barker. Photos by Norm & Ros Barker, Rod & Maryanne Nicholas

Five Hills is an annual event as a heart-starter for the year's activities. This one was a beauty.

Club Torque Spring 2021

09 January 2022 / Words by G Peter Battisson and Kerri Langworthy-Ward

Well folks, it’s finally here, your latest “Club Torque Spring 2021”. It has taken Kerri -your Vice President and all round Super Woman with her astonishing Superpowers- and I -you’re getting fatter, little, over worked President- an incredible amount of time and hair pulling -hers, not mine, as I have very little- frustration to get this edition f


03 January 2022


Canberra Chapter Events Program 2022

23 December 2021 / Rod Nicholas

Your Runs Committee has been hard at it preparing an events program for 2022. There's plenty there to keep us zoom zooming through out the year.

Canberra Chapter Christmas Lunch and Presentations

19 December 2021 / Words and pictures by Rod Nicholas

The Canberra Chapter wrapped up another interrupted year with a most enjoyable lunch at the Yowani Country Club, hosted by our Convenors Peter and Annemie Wilson.

Club Torque 2021-11 cover Winter 2021

Club Torque - Our first digital edition

30 November 2021 / Kerri Langworthy-Ward

Welcome to a new way to view Club Torque, the official magazine of the MX-5 Club of NSW. This is the first time we have produced a purely 'online magazine' instead of printing.

Chinese Tribute Garden, Young

23 November 2021 / Words and pictures by Peter & Annemie Wilson. Additional photos by Rod Nicholas.

Forecasts for rain and potential potholes did little to put us off. The chance for a decent run, a picnic with friends and cherry picking was too strong a lure.

Wednesday Pub Lunch Run

23 November 2021 / Words and pictures by Stephen Wakeling

The last Pub run in August just so happened to be on the day before lockdown hit the ACT. We were out again almost as son as the lockdown lifted - taking advantage of the quiet Wednesday traffic to zoom zoom the 'Tharwa-Cotter-Uriarra Track'.

The logo of the Mazda MX-5 Club of NSW, approved by members on 27th August 2003

COVID Procedures update

29 October 2021 / G Peter Battisson

These COVID-19 procedures supersede all earlier notices. COVID-19 procedures apply to Members & Guests with fully vaccinated or medical exemption certificates.

President’s View of the AGM

25 October 2021 / G Peter Battisson

The Club held it's 2021 AGM on Friday 22nd October at 7.30pm via ZOOM Conferencing. We have a new President, some new people on the Committee ... and even a new Life Member!