Canberra Chapter News

Woodstock 2023 – one day of peace, love and MX-5s

15 June 2023 / Words and pictures by Rod & Maryanne Nicholas. Pictures by Allan Caldwell and John Chapuis

In which we learn that radio chats are not private communications, that not everyone loves MX-5s, and that those that don’t have a limited vocabulary.

Natmeet 2024

12 June 2023

Information on Natmeet 2024

Sculptures for Clyde

08 June 2023 / Words by Brett Boyne. Photos by Rod Nicholas

A good drive, a great lunch, amazing sculptures, delicious lunch, excellent company and a beautiful, warm, sunny day. What more could you want to see off autumn?

Changes to Member Portal

07 June 2023 / Bryan Shedden

This brief message is to advise of changes to the Member Portal, approved at the May 2023 Committee Meeting.

June 2023 CMC magazine

07 June 2023 / Ian Combes

June E magazine from The Council of Motorsport Clubs NSW

Nature and Telescopes

05 June 2023 / Word and pictures by Norm Barker and Rod Nicholas

Winter is a time for grey days and chill winds in Canberra, but they couldn't deter an enthusiastic bunch of MX-5ers from a tour of nature and telescopes.

Defensive Driver Training

21 May 2023 / Words and photos John Chapuis

There was more than 600 years of collective driving experience on display during this driver training course, and yet not one of the 15 persons involved scored full marks on the road rules quiz. But we can all drift our little toys. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Bright Ideas (The Falling Leaf Tour 2023)

08 May 2023 / Words and pictures by Rod & Maryanne Nicholas

Ken Keeling pulled off another great multi-day run, even though he didn't go. We had all had a great looong weekend, driving interesting roads in a beautiful part of Australia, in (generally) pleasant autumnal weather, and in the excellent company of out MX-5 friends.

The Terrific Tassie Tour 2023

30 April 2023 / Word and Photos by Rod Nicholas. More photos by Allan & Anne Caldwell

Our Tassie Tour of 2020 finally got going in March this year, a few years late, but worth every moment of it. A fantastic experience with a bunch of great friends, great cars, and 2,800 km of almost pothole free roads. Such. Good. Fun!

Oils ain't oils

24 April 2023 / Words by Frances Wood. Photos by Lili Chi, Rob Walk, Rod Nicholas

The Perfect Trifecta! The company, the run, and the venues.

Not Meet 2023

14 April 2023 / Written by: Barry Luttrell, Photos: Jenny Luttrell

Here we are again, after the Covid break it's back on the road in the New England area.

Lunch With Sir George at Jugiong

09 April 2023 / Words by Ian Bottcher. Photos by Robyn Bottcher

For those not touring Tassie, Ian's run to Jugiong was a treat that neither rain nor power blackouts could interfere with.

Natmeet 2024

27 March 2023 / Ian Combes

Entries for Natmeet 2024 will open in June.

Shannons Wheels 2023

27 February 2023 / Words by Bob Judd. Photos by Bob Judd & Rod Nicholas

Another bright and sunny day greeted the 13 members who bought their polished ‘pride and joys’ along for the annual Shannon’s Wheels Display Day at Queanbeyan Oval on Sunday 19 February 2023.

Beautiful Bermagui 2023

22 February 2023 / Words: Steve and Cecelia Wakeling. Pictures: Rod Nicholas

There's a lot to love about Bermagui - sun, sand, great coffee, and plenty of good drives – down to Tathra, perhaps or out to spend a dollar or two in Cobargo. Central Tilba and Narooma are not far away, and there are things to do, see, eat and drink here - and a great time with friends.

SMP-Amaroo track day 5 Oct 2019

Helpers needed for 26th Feb track day in Sydney

10 February 2023 / David Lawler

The Club needs helpers for the 26th February track day at Sydney Motorsport Park

Honeysuckle Creek Picnic

29 January 2023 / Words and photos by Mike Lawless and Joanne Blackburn, a few additional words and photos by Rod Nicholas

Mike had warned us about a few unsavoury spots on the otherwise pleasant country road, but we were still a little surprised to see dirty great pole sticking out of one hole in the road!

Five Hills 2023

29 January 2023 / Words and photos by Norm & Roz Barker. Additional photos by Rod Nicholas

The Five Hills Run is our traditional first run for the year. Undeterred by a brief shower with a little bit of hail, 13 MX-5s lined up in front of the Russell offices for the start of our 2023 year.

Page Community BBQ 'Show 'n' Shine'

24 December 2022 / Words and photos: Rod Nicholas

Our final event for the year came from an unexpected invitation.

Canberra Chapter Events Program 2023

23 December 2022 / Rod Nicholas

An outline of the Canberra Chapter 2023 Events Program is now available for download. Have a look, print it off, stick it on your fridge and pencil in the dates in your diary!