Canberra Chapter News

The logo of the Mazda MX-5 Club of NSW, approved by members on 27th August 2003

Notification of 2021 Annual General Meeting

17 September 2021 / Words by Phil Donnelley

Notice is hereby given that the 2021 Annual General Meeting of Members of the Mazda MX-5 Club of NSW Incorporated will be held on Friday 22nd October 2021 commencing at 7:30pm. The meeting will take the form of an online virtual meeting using Zoom.

NatMeet 2020 Slide 1 v3

Cancellation of NatMeet 2022

14 September 2021 / Words by Wesley Hill

We were set to go in April 2020. Then covid arrived. We postponed to April 2021, but covid stopped that again. We hoped for April 2022, but sadly that is now impossible too. Read on for more explanation.

Canberra Chapter Christmas in July

28 August 2021 / Words by Rod Nicholas. Pictures by Rod Nicholas and Lili Chi

The latest Covid-19 restrictions and general uncertainty about travelling to regional centres had led to a rethink. A jiggle to the plans was needed.

The Wednesday Pub Run

23 August 2021 / Words by Steve Wakeling. Pictures by Rod & Maryanne Nicholas

Steve leads a bunch of cars on a pre-lunch trip, totally within the ACT, on some of Canberra’s best MX-5 roads. Just the right thing to get us in the mood for a nosh-up at the George Harcourt Inn (or as Steve puts it 'the only real Pub in the ACT').

Committee Confidential August 2021

09 August 2021

August Committee News

COVID-19 Update 23 June 21

23 June 2021

COVID-19 Update

Committee Confidential June 21

14 June 2021

Committee Confidential

The Rusty Bistro Run

28 May 2021 / Words by Peter and Annemie Wilson. Photos by Peter and Annemie Wilson, Rod Nicholas and Rob Wilko

The 'rural perfume' from the cattle truck we were forced to follow for the last fifteen kilometres into Harden didn't really dampen the enthusiasm of our group as we zoomed off to Cootamundra for a hearty lunch.

Brindabella Hills Winery Lunch

28 May 2021 / Words by Steve & Cecelia Wakeling. Photos by Lili Chi and Rod Nicholas

The weather was perfect for an untroubled run through the country-side to the beautiful Brindabella Hills winery for lunch.

A Run through the Falling Leaves – to Bright 2021

27 May 2021 / Words – Ken Keeling. Photos – Rod & Maryanne Nicholas

With everyone at the rendezvous and fuelled up, seven MX5s plus two “escort cars”, all loaded with 18 MX5ers aboard, departed at 8 am for our four-day excursion, through the falling leaves of Autumn, to N.E. Victoria.

Dubbo Zoofari

27 May 2021 / Words by Ian Bottcher. Photos by Robyn Bottcher and Stephen Yong

A long weekend, 900 kilometres, and sunny weather allowed for a thoroughly enjoyable top-down cruise.

Cowra Kulcha

30 March 2021 / Words and pictures by Rod Nicholas and Ken Keeling.

We had it all on this trip. Sunshine, near empty roads, sweeping corners, tight bends, beautiful views, quiet country pubs, great lunches, trains. And then there were grasshoppers, roadworks, dirt, water carts, mud, rain, torrential rain. Who woulda thunk it?

COVID 19 Procedure Update

29 March 2021

The latest COVID 19 Procedure

Shannon’s Wheels Display

24 March 2021 / Words and pictures by Sir Bob Judd. Additional photos by Rob Wilko.

Wheels had been bought forward this year from its usual date in March but we still managed a fantastic display of 21 cars - all four models of our brilliant little cars, and all variations of body style.

Dam, Dam, Dam +1

24 March 2021 / Words by Rod Nicholas, Photos by Rod & Maryanne Nicholas

Having plotted a run that would take us to three of Canberra’s water storage dams (Googong, Corin and Cotter dams), I couldn’t resist the temptation to chuck another dam in. It's not often we get to see our water supply at almost 100 percent capacity, so I thought why not slot in another.

Bowral Beauty

24 March 2021 / Words by Ron & Maree Tollenaar, Photos by Rod & Maryanne Nicholas

Given the forecast of a wet weekend it was not with a little concern that I peeked out through the curtains early on Saturday morning. Phew, just an early Canberra light fog, nothing to see here folks, so all good and off to the rendezvous point for our weekend in Bowral.

Beautiful Bermagui 2021

04 March 2021 / Words: Steve & Cecelia Wakeling. Pictures: Norm & Roz Barker and Rod & Maryanne Nicholas

A bit of rain wasn't going to stop the fun, as eight MX-5s set off (at the respectable hour of 10:30 am) from Bungendore for a 4-day run down to and around Bermagui.

Loopy Lunch Run

16 February 2021 / Words: Peter & Annemie Wilson. Photos: Peter & Annemie Wilson, Jill Wicklander, Rod Nicholas

It was ideal weather for touring with the top down, not too hot or cool. Very little traffic for an enjoyable drive down through many twisties to the Murrumbidgee River and across the Taemas bridge.

It was a bit damp in the Valley

10 February 2021 / Words by Rod Nicholas, Photos by Maryanne and Rod Nicholas

It was a touch … damp. That made the last 10 km of twisting and winding road down into the Araluen Valley a little interesting.

Canberra Chapter Pizza Evening

27 January 2021 / Words and pictures by Bricet Kloren and Lili Chi

Summer nights are special in Canberra. After the heat of the day, the cool of the evening is a special time for enjoying good food and a glass or two of good wine with good friends in a beautiful garden setting.